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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Tuesday, May 31, 2005


[GMW #698A] Seeing The World with Hopeful Happy Eyes

[GMW #698A] Seeing The World with Hopeful Happy Eyes
Monday 31 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6074 ~

To a large degree our life depends on how we ‘see’ things. If we see them in a hopeful, happy way, our life will be bright and happy. If we see them in gray, our life will be sad and gray.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Capitalism and communism are outdated. The only right ideology is ecumenism: a joining of all forces to instaure peace, preserve the planet and achieve the fulfillment and happiness of all people.

I do not want life to have meaning, I know that life has a meaning, a tremendous one.
We have to repeat and repeat again and again that life has a sacred meaning. We must prove it with a cosmic vision of our place and evolution in the universe.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

All I attempted will not materialize during my lifetime, far from that. But all my attempts in the UN will sooner or later be recognized, cherished and implemented.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Monday, May 30, 2005


Sculptures Of Love, Faith, Hope, Peace, Friendship, Compassion, Prayer, Mediation, Gratitude For Better Human(e) Progress

[GMW #697A] Sculptures Of Love, Faith, Hope, Peace, Friendship, Compassion, Prayer, Mediation, Gratitude For Better Human(e) Progress
Monday 30 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 1527 ~ 15 September 1998

Seeing the magnificent sculpture on forgiveness at the Casa de Maria Conference Center in Santa Barbara, I dream that more sculptures should be planned and inaugurated in the year 2000 on all the great philosophical concepts which have helped humanity to progress on its mysterious journey in the universe, concepts such as love, faith, hope, peace, friendship, compassion, prayer, meditation, gratitude and others. I could see a major sculpture inaugurated in 2000 on Peace in San Francisco, the city where the United Nations was born and a major sculpture on Love in Kansas City which considers itself to be the heart of America and possesses already a Heart Forest near the airport, etc. What beautiful, elevating, encouraging contributions such sculptures would be to the celebration of our entry into a new century and millennium!

I was glad that we were visited by a famous sculptress, Edwina Sanders, the granddaughter of Winston Churchill who offered us to build a magnificent monument to the Bimillennium on the wonderful, sacred, world grounds of the UN University for Peace in demilitarized Costa Rica.


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
My life or cosmic consciousness may be temporary. But human life being a part of humanity can make us eternal. My contribution to humanity is therefore the highest form of living. Humanity knows that: the greater the contribution, the greater and more lasting the human recognition and glory.
Relax as much as you can. A man like Albert Schweitzer who lived happily to a very advanced age, always let his arms and hands hang down in a totally relaxed fashion. Do that and you will feel your entire body relaxed. Relaxation is another word for peace and happiness.
Most of your life will depend on how you ‘see’ things. If you see them in a hopeful, happy way, your life will be bright and happy. If you see them in gray, your life will be sad and gray.
Weed your life carefully of all bad seeds and plants. If not, they will grow, proliferate and smother the good ones.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

A reviewer of my book What War Taught Me About Peace, apologized for criticizing me:

"You have certainly earned your place among the immortals of the UN, but I had to underline that you are always all supportive of the UN and never find fault with it. I believe you should help in underlining and redressing what is wrong with the UN."

I answered:

"You are indeed right. But there are so many people who criticize the UN that I feel it my duty to counter their negative influence by stressing the good aspects of the UN which they ignore. Also, if I were to voice the slightest criticism, the UN haters would jump on it and proclaim: 'You see, even such a defender of the UN
as Robert Muller is critical.' They would use it to undermine the UN.

I have taken a similar stand in this testament. The UN enemies will seek in vain arguments and ammunition for their evil designs. once they have become objective, I will also be ready to discuss honestly the shortcomings of the UN.

We must make the UN the determining agent of change for a peaceful and better world. We cannot allow anything to happen to it. We owe it to the 30 million dead of World War II.

Subject: Thank You From Brasil

Dear Mr. Robert Muller,

It is a blessing to receive your material and I"m translating some to my friends here in Brasil,where we already have a great admiration for your work, since our mentor presented us your work.

Our group has open meditations every day and on Wenesday we meditate, conected with the Intuition in Service where we have your name as co-participating also, we imprinted your photograph to show in the group and now we feel much more close to Texas.

Best regards,
Unidade de Serviço para Educação Integral/Resende /RJ/Brasil



Dear Robert,
I was elated to hear you being interviewed on Vision TV this morning. They were running and interview you did back in 1993 while attending the "Parliament of World Religions" in Chicago. I was captured immediately by your POSITIVE outlook on life and the future of the human race. I too, have many of those wonderful spiritual connections where thru the wonderful and awesome God we serve you come to believe that "anything the mind can believe, the mind can achieve" - with God's help, of course.
Immediately, after hearing the interview, I went to the internet to find out more about you and was estatic to find that you have been doing so much to promote peace and love in the world. Your ideas and dreams for a better world are contagious. I am looking forward to reading much of the matierial I printed off from your site. I even listened to your harmonica performances - they are great!
God Bless and Keep You - He"s done that for sure over the many years!
Hoping to promote your ideas and become an embasador for peace and love!
sincerely, Albert, Hawkesbury, ON Canada

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:
Namaste' dear ones....just heard the "ode to Joy" being played at a EU meeting on the radio...what an ODE to JOY
-- silver eagle

Robert's beatiful uplifting Ode To Joy played on his famous 10 hole harmonica can be heard at this link:
More harmonic from Robert:
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Friday, May 27, 2005


[GMW #696A] Setting Up Global Inventories Of Achievements, Failures & Hopes and Dreams For A Better World

[GMW #696A] Setting Up Global Inventories Of Achievements, Failures &Hopes and Dreams For A Better World
Friday 27 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 7 ~17 July 1994
I recommend that for the celebration of the year 2000 the United Nations, each of its specialized agencies, each nation, each religion, each institution, each firm and all peoples will draw up:
- an inventory of their achievements and successes for a peaceful and better world;
- an inventory of their failures, mistakes, sins, and neglects;
- an inventory of their hopes, dreams and intentions.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The spirit of life, the breath of the oxygen of life - spirituality has left the arteries of the world. Humanity needs spiritual healing, fresh air, new spiritual flows into it.
We are too Earth-bound, not enough heaven-bound. If we continue this way, we will return to the condition of animals who never look at the stars and to the heavens.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

During the fortieth anniversary year of the UN, I found on the nighttable of a Japanese hotel a Buddhist prayer book in which I read this story told by the Buddha:

"Once upon a time a father came home from a long trip. When he approached his dwelling, he saw that there was a fire in it. He shouted:

'Children, come out quickly, there is a fire in the house'.

But the children did not come out. So, he shouted:

'Children, I brought back beautiful toys for you. Please come out and see.'

And the children came out right away."

This story was an enlightenment to me. I discovered that I had been doing the same at the United Nations. Instead of telling people and governments about dangers and impending catastrophes, I told them to look at the beautiful things they could do together. Look at the marvelous toys and dreams which are expecting you. Look at the joys of achieving peace, justice and happiness for all. Why don't you play with your most beautiful toys, the United Nations and its specialized agencies, world conferences, world meetings and instruments?

I love foremost the world and humanity.

I have affection for my country and religion.

I consider this to be the right priority, the one laid down by

God from the beginning.

No one on Earth has the right to turn this around.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

RE: UN Door Opening Essay
[GMW #695A] Biosphere World Conference For A Better World

Namaste' dear Robert and is a beautiful morning in Seattle, birds singing, flowers blooming and I have a request....
'What I would have missed in my life if I hadn't worked for the UN! I should rewrite in golden letters the essay on world government which opened to me the doors of the UN as a young man.'
Could you please print that essay.......or is it somewhere on your website? I would be very happy (most of all you have taught me happiness) to read the essay in golden letters or black and white...I am anxiously awaiting that magic essay blessings
Stanley Sabre/Silver Eagle

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Thursday, May 26, 2005


[GMW #695A] Biosphere World Conference For A Better World

[GMW #695A] Biosphere World Conference For A Better World
Thursday 26 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Earth's Ecology

~ Idea 49 ~ 28 August 1994

The first world environment conference was in reality the Conference on the Biosphere convened by UNESCO in Paris in 1968 at the request of the government of Sweden. Its concept was right, namely to see the thin spherical membrane, or sphere of life, surrounding this planet, only a few miles into the atmosphere and a few miles into the oceans, containing all life of our solar system. The Conference had no impact and Sweden came to the UN Economic and Social Council to express its concern about the acid rain affecting their forests and the loss of life in their lakes. Sweden requested the UN to hold the first world conference on the environment in Sweden in 1972.

It would be good to return to the concept of the biosphere and to hold a new world conference on the biosphere in 1998, thirty years after the first one, to see how the thin layer of life around our planet is faring.

At the time, I asked UN cartographers to draw for me a picture of the biosphere on a globe with a diameter of one meter. The biosphere appeared on it as a mere thin line not thicker than an eggshell. To politicians visiting my office, I pointed at that line, saying to them, "This is what you are playing with."

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
I breathe, therefore I am
I eat, therefore I am
I see, therefore I am
I hear, therefore I am
I think, therefore I am
I love, therefore I am
I feel, therefore I am
I pray, therefore I am
There is no end to the forms of being!
All life is flow. I must therefore flow gently and not be hard like a rock.
Humanity really does not know where it is going. That is the first, eminent question it should ask itself.
One world, one network. Let your life decide to participate in it through networking.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

I pray and thank God every day for the United Nations.

What I would have missed in my life if I hadn't worked for the UN! I should rewrite in golden letters the essay on world government which opened to me the doors of the UN as a young man.

My God, how dearly I have loved this planet and humanity! Please allow me to come back as a spirit to provoke the heads of states into the right directions!

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Beloved Robert and Barbara,

We have heard of you from our dear teacher and friend, Swami Sri Nabuji.

We receive your messages daily and are particularly inspired by the peace movement related to childrens schools.

Thank you for your service to this planet.

In the Loving arms of Light,
Shinah B'nai

Dear Dr. Muller,
I hope that this note finds you well and happy. I have received much inspiration from your book Ideas & Dreams for a Better World (Vol. 3). It is encouraging to see such idealistic visions being expressed, and it supports my own ability to write and sing about such visions for the world.

A happy note is that I was able to get my music to the United Nations Singers (June Chesney and Douglas Rose) who are contemplating the possibility of using some of them.

Wishing both you and Barbara love, joy and warmth.
Best wishes,


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Wednesday, May 25, 2005


[GMW #694A] Earth Government For The Earth And Humanity

[GMW #694A] Earth Government For The Earth And Humanity
Wednesday 25 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 1779 ~

Writers can have a great influence on the coining of new words. Here is an illustration.

Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill met in Washington in December 1941 to begin to think of what kind of World Organization should be created after the war. Franklin Roosevelt proposed to create an Associated Powers. Churchill quoted to him a passage of Byron's Child's Harold Pilgrimage where United Nations drew the sword to defeat Napoleon in Waterloo. He proposed and Roosevelt accepted it for the planned organization.

As a writer and elder of world affairs, I propose that we must now create an Earth Government as we enter the next century and millennium I hope that one or several heads of state like Churchill and Roosevelt will plan a new world organization for the Earth and humanity in the 21st century and new millennium.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
A good poet brings joy, enlivens, beautifies, validates, elevates all Creation around them.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

In my work at the UN, in my life in general, I had a whole range of intentions, a vast canvass of ideas, visions and actions. I was a world smith, with hundreds of irons in the fire, a hatmaker with every conceivable material, a chef disposing over innumerable culinary ingredients, a painter with all the gamut of colors, a composer with an infinity of notes.

Re: Great book to recommend

Dear Robert: Was reluctant to recommend a book for you and Barbara to read, since I know that you have limited time, but there is one I just read that was quite wonderful

re the nature of social change, re the origins of the movement to abolish slavery in the British Empire:

It's called Bury the Chains by Adam Hochschild (2005) & it's great.

Origins of many things activists use today: political buttons, posters, petitions to Parliament, etc. etc. Plus, for world federalists, there is a possible analogy:

After great initial success (starting in May 1787, a magic date as you'll recall), they fell upon extremely hard times [just like us in recent decades] but then were ultimately successful).

Yours, Jim

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005


[GMW #693A] From India - "Nationalism, Sovereignty & Independence To Become Obsolete"

[GMW #693A] From India - "Nationalism, Sovereignty & Independence To Become Obsolete
Tuesday 24 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6040 ~

In a book received from India, A Master Plan for Human Survival and Excellence, I found this quotation:

“We are only at the beginning of our new global history and in the long run it is likely that words such as nationalism, sovereignty and independence will be as obsolete as feudalism, royalism and slavery are today.”
-- Dr. Robert Muller


Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Our first priorities for our time:
One planet
One humanity
One proper Earth government

After 35 years of keen observation and warmest cooperation, I must honestly confess that the nation-state system must either obey its own rules laid down in the UN Charter or it will die.
Do heads of state know their solemn obligations under the UN Charter? I suggest that before assuming office they read that Charter and on the day of their inauguration read out its Preamble to their people. They should swear on the UN Charter as some of them do on the Bible.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

"Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life. Think of it, dream of it. Live on the idea. Let the brain, the muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way great spiritual giants are produced."


My own "one idea" was that life is divine, a true miracle. The fulfillment of life requires peace. The UN is the universal instrument of peace. Therefore, I let my brain, muscles, nerves, heart and soul become full of the UN.

To Sri -- re Technology Initiatives For Peace

I know from reading this that you are my ally. I could barely contain myself given how much recognition I felt of all that you said, and the awe I was in at the immensity of your scope, where you've held nothing back from what is beyond where most people's thinking is.
I've attached a gleam in my eye that I'd like to talk to you about. I want to send people out to be Gandhi. Where are you? Can we get together?
I hope I am but one of many people who recognize and appreciate what you are doing and that this body of thought spreads like wildfire.
Los Angeles

PS: Hello to Robert Muller, who hopefully will remember how gracious he was to me when I visited him at the U.N., lo these several decades ago. He knew we were kindred souls. I wanted never to leave his office -- in fact he sent me to the coffee shop while he kept his next appointment, so I could come back for more. Dare to Network indeed. Connect people in the place beneath their differences.
To: GoodMorningWorld

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
The connection with Suzanne has been made and we are getting together in a week to meld minds and plot.
Please continue to flow any other responses that come your way.
I will also keep you informed of progress and movements at my end.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:
From: Roy
Subject: UN
...proposal could include an addition to its name....The United Nations of Earth--U.N.E.
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Monday, May 23, 2005


[GMW #692A] A Proper Earth Government

[GMW #692A] A Proper Earth Government
Monday 23 May 2005, Editor: Easy * Daily Blog | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe


~ Idea 1075 ~ 20 June 1997

Yesterday I implemented idea 1049 by making available the following appeal to the members of the Extraordinary Session of the UN General Assembly in New York, held to review after five years the implementation of the recommendations of the Rio de Janeiro Conference on the environment:

Dear Esteemed Member,

After the world's concern for peace, humanism and economic development:
After the world's concern for the population explosion;
After the world's concern for the environment;
After the world's concern for the Earth's climate;
The new, even vaster concern is now how to save this planet and the human race by creating urgently


This is the absolute priority which faces us, the top item on the agenda of world affairs as we enter a new century and millennium.

I appeal to you, I beg you, Members of the UN Extraordinary Session, to adopt a resolution requesting an Initiative for URGENT PROPER EARTH GOVERNMENT.

This text was followed by my ideas 502 to 547 and 556 to 564.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
We need political mystics who in the management of our planet’s affairs will reflect the innermost spiritual yearnings of humanity and help us fulfill them.
We are moving towards an unheard, global, transcendent political age never seen before in human history.
I was born with an unbounded love for life. At my death, I will leave behind a record of that love, enriched by my life, actions and experiences.
Be passionate about the Earth in her entirety
Be passionate about humanity in its entirely
Be passionate about life in its entirety
Be passionate about the universe in its entirety

Every day is a new day. But in reality there is no end to a day: the sun slowly and unceasingly wakes up humans after humans as the Earth turns around herself. So it is with life: we germinate under that sun, grow, flower, mature, give birth and return to the Earth in an incredible, unceasing, multi-billion years long revolving.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

If one really loves someone or something, one must at least be ready to forgive, if not love their shortcomings. I have applied this rule to my love for humanity and for the UN. Why should I insist on a perfect planet, a perfect humanity, a perfect UN, a perfect wife and perfect children, when I myself am not perfect?

I am enthusiastic about life I am enthusiastic about peace I am enthusiastic about the UN I am enthusiastic about this planet.

Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

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Here is a wonderful proposal.
For more information including eight comprehensive appendices or to participate please Contact GoodMorningWorld.
A0. Brief Bio of Dr Sridharan
A1. Course outline: draft
A2. Examples of technology for peace
A3. Sample of Needs framework
A4. Examples of Technology Transition from DARPA
A5. Example of Broad Area Announcement to furthering technology vision
A6. List of Broad Area Announcements
A7. Useful resources and references

Technology Initiatives For Peace
N.S. Sridharan ("Sri")

I am a former technologist, computer and software specialist, now retired and dedicated to peace initiatives. Pondering how to bring my tech expertise to bear upon peace efforts, I have been contemplating a framework of sponsored research on Technology Initiatives for Peace. I am conceiving of this an antidote to the fact that in the last 100 years, much of technology has been spawned to serve the cause of war - aircraft, radar, laser, even the Internet.

Now the tide is turning - initiatives like Google, Blogger and Friendster are serving to bring people together, to make information open and transparent. New technologies for promoting freedom, cooperation, human dignity, understanding and mutual trust are needed. Research in Information Technology, Biotechnology and Nanotechnology - needs the guiding hand of humanity striving for peace and harmony. I am envisioning a series of research initiatives that would spawn a new generation of technologies that serve our mutual cause. Eventually I would like to enable entrepreneurship and special investment funds for a broad range of technology initiatives.

I am searching both for ideas and for a home institution to base these research efforts. I would be delighted to hear back from you.

A recently made streaming video by Italian Telecomm won the Epica award for creative achievement.
It is a moving and compelling testament to how much technologies of connectivity and communication have changed the world and how much is made possible. The film starts out with Gandhi (actual historical clip) walking into his hut in Sabarmati. It then, cuts over to his face talking to people about one world, uplift for all. We see soldiers in WW2 looking at his talk on television, a couple in Italy sitting on a park bench and viewing it on their cellphone, people gathered in Moscow looking at it in big screen, executives looking at it on their desktops in London and in New York, trains screaming through wilderness of Canada and native Indians viewing his talk on a laptop. It paints a compelling and redeeming vision of what is possible with technology when it is applied to peaceful purposes. The tag line is “Imagine the world today if he could have communicated like this."

After a brief visit to Bodh Gaya, visiting the Mahabodhi Shrine, meditating at the lotus pond and under the Bodhi Tree, I remember sitting down at my laptop back at the hotel and penning a journal entry: “What would Buddha have done if he was born in the 21st Century?” I felt he would have embraced technologies of communication, neurobiology, genetics and transportation – and would have created something other than monasteries and Bhikkus with shaven heads walking with begging bowls to develop humility and compassion. What is that other vision? What would Buddha do?

In the last 70 years or 100 years, there has been a lot of advancement in the areas of technology (communication, computation, transportation, medicine, ecology) During that time the war machine has enslaved much of the technology - resulting in nuclear missiles, precision guided bombs, faster than sound planes, night vision, geographical positioning systems, satellite based communication and CBCW and WMD). The list is endless.

The peace movement can bring itself up to date and begin to embrace these advanced technologies. That would be not enough. We need to channel innovation and entrepreneurship, and breakthrough technologies to the cause of peace and sustainable development. There are numerous examples of the peace movement and nonviolent action utilizing technologies (fax machines in the 80s, Internet and email in the nineties) - but most are serendipitous. Time has come to DRIVE new technologies..

Action: Let us start with a two-semester graduate research seminar on the role of technology in war and peace. {Appendix A1} Let us use that course as a means for charting a pathway for the future when technology truly serves the cause of peace, love and nonviolent means of action.

Grand Plan: The course would lead next to the formation of Industry-University consortium – a collective of organization that collectively strives to drive technology that brings greater peace and economic prosperity to mankind. Since entrepreneurship is the hallmark of the global technology industries, we expect to attract investors and venture capital firms that wish to play a strong role in the shaping of our own future. Eventually we envision that there would be dozens of startup companies that produce the technologies according to the roadmap delivered via the consortium.

Expected outcomes
a. Synthesis of a needs-framework driven by peace, economic prosperity, local and regional civic freedom, sustainable living, emergency management and social justice.
Using a worldwide perspective, the needs-framework would be the driver for the technology roadmap below. {Appendix A2}
b. Formulation of Technology roadmaps - 5 years, 20 year, and 100 year - anticipated functionalities, needed infrastructure development, and research priorities
Moore’s Law guided the semiconductor industry – Sematech was the coordinating agency that executed the roadmap for that industry. Similarly the technology roadmap will include tactical, strategic and visionary new developments in all areas that affect society. See for roadmap methods.
c. Capability identification – Roster of research centers that have the needed technology research capabilities and those who subscribe to the values expressed in the needs-framework
Based on direct contact and site visits, research centers will be positioned as Centers of Excellence, Centers of Development and Centers for deployment
d. Identification of public funding methods to promote research and basic technology development and private equity processes to support entrepreneurship in bringing basic technology to pilot stage, application and deployment.
A variety of private and public research funding sources will be collected. Compare Micro-Electronics and Computer Research Center in Austin in the 80’s which marshaled both DoD and Corporate funds and then spun off technology using Venture Capital.
e. Initiation of a Coordination Office within the scope of the UN or the US government and EU government to drive the roadmap and to keep it updated.
Unlike the prior examples mentioned above, our scope is worldwide, not the US. Hence our positioning also needs to be through various world-wide or regional multi-country agencies.
f. In addition to the Coordination Office we would create a self-regulating community to refine and drive the roadmap, along the lines of the open source model. A peer-to-peer community that keeps all the resulting technology open, common and shared property. [Open source is about how to build a system for the world's people. – CK Prahlad at the World Economic Forum]

For more information or to participate
please Contact GoodMorningWorld.

Here are some interesting websites related to this proposal of Technology Initiatives for Peace. for roadmap methods.

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