Visits since 27 April 2005

Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


[GMW #874] Ending Excessive Consumption & Waste

The image:

[GMW #874] Ending Excessive Consumption & Waste
Tuesday 31 January 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6035 ~

If the level and amount of consumption and waste of the western ‘rich’ countries ever reaches the poor countries, it will mean the end of humanity. The big world corporations are busy doing it.

The production, selling, consumption, accumulation, wastes’ and advertisement explosions in the western ‘rich’ countries and the continued population explosion in the poor countries will turn into major catastrophes.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is only passion and a one-track mind for peace that will lead us to peace.
Peacemakers must be as uncompromising as are the military.
We need a total strategy for peace as the military have one for war and ‘defense’.
We need peace games, peace exercises, the same way as the military have war games and military exercises. There have never been any peace exercises on this planet.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 8

Why the "interest of nations", the "reason of state"?

What about the "interest of humanity', the "reason of the Earth"?

It is a strange planet indeed where some are preparing for star wars while others wake up every morning in a war for daily food, water, wood and survival. Yes, it is an appallingly managed planet, unworthy of a place of honor in the universe. Our political leaders should feel ashamed down to the marrow of their bones. They should collectively resign.

Why should we wait for another world war to devise a better planetary system than the UN? Let us be sensible and either improve e UN or create a better world organization right away.

We discount world government as utopian because it is an known, and as long as we continue to discount it, it will remain an unknown and utopian.

"Peace is not won by those who fiercely guard their differences, but by those who with open minds and hearts seek out connections."

-Katherine Paterson

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
101 entries since 12 Dec 2005, View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

Asia and South America are yet to be represented.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller

To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Monday, January 30, 2006


[GMW #873] A Cvilization of Peace Extended World Wide

The image:

[GMW #873] A Cvilization of Peace Extended World Wide
Monday 30 January 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |


~ Idea 2459 ~

When we came back recently from the second World Peace Conference in the Hague, Holland on the 8th of May 1999, I wrote this text which I affixed on a wall of our wooden, little farmhouse.

"We have been brought here, on sacred Mt. Rasur for one reason, to save the Earth and to fulfill the indigenous prophecy that from here a civilization of peace will extend to the entire world." Yes, this is and will remain our mission.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Nations beware: people will emancipate themselves into one humanity, whatever you may think or do. You better get prepared for it.
Let light and happiness gush into our lives and homes.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 8

Nationalism is to nations what egotism is to individuals, but much worse. Oppressive acts and propaganda are justified by the "reason of state". Rarely are nations brought before tribunals and punished as are individuals. National "sovereignty' often means impunity and tyranny.

Happy Thomas Paine Day!

"We have it in our power to begin the world over again."
Joyce Chumbley
Thomas Paine Friends

Good Afternoon Mr. Robert Muller,

I am writing to express my admiration after reading your article. I was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Paraguay and am currently working on my MA in international studies at Morgan State University and plan to work with the United Nations, but haven't figured out a clear path to achieving that objective. Thank you.

Donald N. Whitaker
Secretary, Branch of Wildlife Resource
Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
101 entries since 12 Dec 2005, View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

Asia and South America are yet to be represented.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Recent entry from: moz-do-not-send

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller

To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Friday, January 27, 2006


[GMW #872] Needed Most On Earth - Peace, Justice, Proper Earth Government, Spirituality, Well-Being of All

The image:

[GMW #872] Needed Most On Earth - Peace, Justice, Proper Earth Government, Spirituality, Well-Being of All
Friday 27 January 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Religion & Spirituality

~ Idea 2547 ~

What do we need most on planet Earth?

We need a world order for peace

We need a world order for justice

We need a world order for proper Earth government

We need a world order for spirituality

We need a world order for the well-being of all

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
By being a microcosm of the universe and of eternity, of our globe and of humanity, each individual has the power to encompass the universe, eternity, our globe and humanity. Those who know this simple law are labeled saints and geniuses. But in reality they are what everyone can and should be easily.
To be a true human being means first and foremost to be a member of the human race. Alas, narrow national education prevents most people from being true human world, global beings.
If the Son of God returned to Earth, would He find much faith today? Would He find your faith? At least faith in life?
Cultivate your being. It will give you immortal harvest.
Become a master of life.
The dream to understand our peace in the universe breaks all barriers. It binds all people together.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Fundamentally, humans are perceptive, creative cosmic units of the universe's evolution on the planet we call Earth. To exercise their function correctly, people must be educated. Correct Global education and information, and the elimination of miseducation. and misinformation, are fundamental prerequisites of democracy.

The UN is merely one approach among others of world cooperation and planetary management. Infinitely better methods should be designed and planned. There should be no taboos against planetary democracy, planetary federation, a United States of the planet and a planetary community.

UN News Sources - United Nations News Service, UN Wire News Archive

United Nations Association-U.S.A. &
UNESCO Santa Barbara County
Chapters Annual Meeting

~ United Nations for a Better World ~

Saturday, January 28
9:00 A.M. - 12:30 P.M.
American Red Cross
2707 State Street
Santa Barbara , CA 93105

Keynote Speakers:

Dr. Robert Muller

Former UN Assistant Secretary-General
( )

Douglas Noll, Esq.

( )
For more information: (805) 961-3916 / /
For a printable pdf documen click here.

Re: [GMW #871] Living Happy Healthy Moral Spiritual Lives
One of the happiest persons I have met in my life is Swami Satchidananda. His aim is the same as that of U Thant: to help people and humanity achieve happiness by living perfect physical, mental, moral, and spiritual lives. His name reflects his life's objective:

Sat Chid Ananda: Life, Knowledge, Happiness
U Thant means: the Pure
namaste dear Robert and Barbara and Easy........most of all you are still reminding me of happiness....We met Swami Sat Chid Ananda in India in 1989...He has been a mentor for the planet and it is ONE-DER-FULL to remember his beingness.....and peacefullness and joyfullness. Thank you silver eagle/prem ananda kumar
Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
Photo from: OHN and MARGUERITE VELTRI Fairfax (CA)

101 entries since 12 Dec 2005, 1 today. View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

Asia and South America are yet to be represented.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Recent entry from:
Angela Sydney, New South Wales (Australia)
Thank you Mr Muller, because of your passion the world we all want seems possible. Love and peace to us all.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller

To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


[GMW #871] Living Happy Healthy Moral Spiritual Lives

The image:

[GMW #871] Living Happy Healthy Moral Spiritual Lives
Thursday 26 January 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Planet Of Hope

One of the happiest persons I have met in my life is Swami Satchidananda. His aim is the same as that of U Thant: to help people and humanity achieve happiness by living perfect physical, mental, moral, and spiritual lives. His name reflects his life's objective:

Sat Chid Ananda: Life, Knowledge, Happiness
U Thant means: the Pure

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Peace in not only the absence of war: it is a human virtue and morality open to all human beings.
You who have been admitted to the miracle of life, never loose hope.
We must say yes to life, always, unreservedly and joyfully.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

When it comes to world government, it seems that all nations of Earth are sitting on the brains of their citizens, preventing them from even thinking about it!

Even if you don't want world government, the UN needs to be supported. You should request that the UN be strengthened to make its present mandates and functions work satisfactorily.

We should read once again the works of Simon Bolivar, Andres Bello and the great universal thinkers of the 18th and 19th century. They are true inspirations for world government.

"The moment one gives close attention to any thing, even a blade of grass it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself."

-Henry Miller
Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
John Carey Framingham (MA)

I share Secretary Muller's view of the UN as a god-given entity that in time will be viewed as one of the greatest movements on our human path of evolution.

100 entries since 12 Dec 2005, 5 over past two days. View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

Asia and South America are yet to be represented.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller

To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


[GMW #870] Human Beings & Their Groups Have A Continuing Responsibility To Promote Peace and Sustainability

The image:

[GMW #870] Human Beings & Their Groups Have A Continuing Responsibility To Promote Peace and Sustainability
Wednesday 25 January 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Ending War

(Ideas 301 to 400)
Peace and Sustainable Development

In October 1989, In UN document A/44/626, the government of Costa Rica offered to the UN General Assembly the following Declaration of Human Responsibilities for Peace and Sustainable Development for reflection and compromise. The Declaration was drafted and adopted during the Conference on The Search for the True Meaning of Peace held in Costa Rica from 25 to 30 June 1989 under the auspices of the UN University for Peace.


Article 12. Human beings have a continuing responsibility when setting up, taking part in or representing social units, associations and institutions, whether private or public. In addition, all such entities have a responsibility to promote peace and sustainability, and to put into practice the educational goals which are conducive to that end.

These goals include the fostering of awareness of the interdependence of human beings among themselves and with nature and the universal responsibility of individuals to solve the problems which they have engendered through their attitudes and actions in a manner that is consistent with the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Let us be faithful to the privilege of our responsibility.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Politicians and group managers on this planet agree on two things: never accept the whole world and humanity as entities; never accept the break-up of their groups by sub-groups or minorities. The whole nation-state system rests on these premises: no world government, no planetary or human sovereignty; no internal autonomies or sovereignties.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

We humans consider ourselves to be the most advanced, intelligent species on Earth since we are endowed with the largest brains for our body size. However, bees and ants with minuscule brains are le to build societies far more orderly and cleaner than ours.

The world is a tremendous, interdependent reality. You can see it and feel it. The world wants to be cared for properly. Yet you are ready to let yourself be killed for limited, intangible, very recent, ever changing, self promoting, artificial mortal entities called nations. Scores of nations, empires, kingdoms, republics and states have vanished during the millennia. History is a vast cemetery of nations, put the planet and its people are still here. When will we at long last recognize this glaring reality and give up the building of and support or doomed nations?

People die and nation states persist.

"An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come."

- Victor Hugo (1802 - 1885),
'Histoire d'un crime,' 1852

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
95 entries since 12 Dec 2005, 8 over the weekend. View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

Asia and South America are yet to be represented.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Recent entry from: moz-do-not-send

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller

To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


[GMW #869] Everything Done By Humans Must Be Rethought, Including Individual Life and Behavior

The image:

[GMW #869] Everything Done By Humans Must Be Rethought, Including Individual Life and Behavior
Tuesday 24 January 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |

Idea Dreams 6001-6500

~ Idea 6087 ~

World statistics should be published by the United Nations on the total surfaces of the Earth being increasingly covered by housing, roads, airports, factories, etc. The result would be very worrisome.

Almost everything which is being done by humans these days on this planet must be rethought, including individual life and behavior.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
It is a mistake to leave to business the monopoly of the word ‘multinationals’ Many other multinational phenomena are growing no less rapidly in the world, e.g. multinational associations, organizations, movements, religions, unions, professions, even families. It is surprising that business has not gone a step further and tried to monopolize the word ‘planetary’.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 8

Increacing diversity is the rule of the universe. No two human beings, animals, insects or plants will ever be exactly the same in the entire universe and stream of time. Yet all atoms, cells, insects, plants, animals and human beings are parts of vast families of basically similar structures, characteristices and functions. Unity in diversity must be the central rule of a planetary society if we do not wish to run counter to biological evolution.

Thank you Robert for the gift of love that you are to humanity.

I really enjoyed the article about you in Ode, Magazine
You are beautiful!!

Jim and Dawn

P.s. we are interested in takeing a trip to Costa Rica.

RE: [GMW #868] Total Demilitarization & Disarmament of this Planet
Dear Friends

Please correct the following error.

"The Argentineans prayed God in their cathedral for victory in the Maldive Islands."

I read your messages every day, and they are inspiring. But please get the geography straight!! The Maldives are off the coast of India. The Argentines prayed about the Malvinas islands.

Sorry to nitpick, but it is important!!

Thanks, and keep up the good work

Matt Tuoni, teacher, Robert Muller LIFE School, Panajachel, Guatemala
Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
96 entries since 12 Dec 2005, 1 today. View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

Asia and South America are yet to be represented.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Recent entry from:
Amelia San Jose, San Jose (Costa Rica)

I already saw the 3 websites and I wanted to say they are very nice, you did a good work with them!
And happiness stands for:
At a
In the
Nicest place
Sorrounding us in HAPPINESS

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller

To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.

Monday, January 23, 2006


[GMW #868] Total Demilitarization & Disarmament of this Planet

The image:

[GMW #868] Total Demilitarization & Disarmament of this Planet
Monday 23 January 2006, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
| Daily Blog: English | Portuguese I Spanish |


~ Idea 1324 ~ 24 February 1998

I hope that someone will create a world peoples' association or movement called "Enough Is Enough" calling for the total demilitarization and disarmament of this planet. Read what Tolstoy said about the military (idea 1284).

Peoples' opinion should not tolerate that 3/4 of a trillion dollars are being spent by governments on militaries and ever more sophisticated armaments when there are so many poor, hungry, suffering people in the world.

People should have the courage to say to their governments: "we are fed up; we want a change; give the UN the means to secure peace among nations; the plans are all ready for it; all that is missing is your consent.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
If you want a safe, problemless, questionless life, it is very simple: take side for capitalism or communism, take side for your race, your nation, your religion and all will be chewed in advance for you - the arguments, the philosophy, the justifications, the infallibility, the methods, the sentiments, the commitments, the symbols, the hymns, the art, the literature, your personal meaning, life and death. Join the most powerful group of your time and you will have no problems in your life. If you choose God, the Earth, humanity and yourself, you will have endless difficulties and troubles.
The Russian people applauded the invasion of Afghanistan.
The Jews applauded the invasion of Lebanon.
The Argentineans prayed God in their cathedral for victory in the
Malvinas islands.
The British thanked God in Westminster Abbey for their victory in the Falklands.
The Americans applauded the invasion of Grenada
Where is the peace of the world in all that? How can there be peace if people applaud their armies and the violations of the United Nations Charter?

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 8

When Victor Hugo declared that humanity needed a United States of the World, his friends thought that he had gone mad.

Well, today, we have a universal United Nations which is undoubtedly the first step towards a United States of the world.

Nation states are too big to handle local problems and too small to handle global problems.
Saturday, Jan. 21

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.

Melody Beattie

Dear Robert and Barbara,

I deeply admire the linking of spirituality and politics.
With my little forces, I also work in this direction.
My little book “Demokratiemanifest für die schweigende Mehrheit”
may be useful.

I dare to add a very recent interview by the German spiritual magazine
“Tattva viveka”, and a related, but less spiritual article in English.

My approach is a structural and philosophical one, which wants to prove
that philosophy can become practical.

The Divine forces bless you!
In daily connection,
sincerely Yours

Johannes Heinrichs
Prof. f. Philosophie u. Sozialökologie
www. (with supporters list)

Guestbook Location Map & Photo Collection
angela russell Memphis (TN)
the connection is what we all have...with one another...with our beautiful do we all fully realize that?

95 entries since 12 Dec 2005, 8 over the weekend. View or add yourself to the map of people that nurture Robert and Barbara's thousands upon thousands of ideas & dreams for a better world for everyone - humanity & nature.

Asia and South America are yet to be represented.
New positive comments and beautiful photos are most welcome as often as you like.

Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller

To order: Phone: 800-727-2782 Email: Fax: 805-968-1379 Mail: Amare Media c/o Para Publishing, PO Box 8206 Santa Barbara, CA 93118-8206. Paperback, $12.95.

Subscribe to Better World News: . BWN is moderated by GMW's editor Easy.


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