Visits since 27 April 2005

Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Sunday, April 24, 2005


[GMW #672A] Using 800 Billion Dollars for Humanity & Nature Freed By Demilitarization, Disarmament & Denuclearization

[GMW #672A] Using 800 Billion Dollars for Humanity & Nature Freed By Demilitarization, Disarmament & Denuclearization
Monday 25 April 2005, Editor: Easy Subscribe | Unsubscribe | Contact


~ Idea 3326 ~

It also occurred to me that the consciousness of global peace is very recent. It was born internationally only with the League of Nations which did not survive. But the United Nations survived and grows despite the hostility of blind, retarded elements.

Could it be that disarmament, demilitarization and the denuclearization of this planet could have the same fate?

In that case humanity would save 800 billion dollars of wrong expenditures each year, with which all urgent problems on this planet could be solved.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
Do not seek fame or glory, let them come to you. What you are, what you do, what you think, what you say, what you write, will speak for you. You will never be more than a vine which produces a fruit or remains infertile. If the fruit is good, people will say: this vine is good and they will love you.
Read only good books, inspiring books, non-depressing books. Do not waste money on prefabricated best-sellers. Read a few pages of them before disbursing your money. Know that they are not supposed to last, since your money will be solicited almost immediately for the next one. Seek books which you will keep and read time and again for your happiness, enrichment and life fulfillment.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 5

Received from a reader:
"The vision and purpose of the UN can be portrayed in a very
human way by focussing on the lives of UN leaders, on events during their tenures. Just as the life of Mahatma Gandhi reveals in a microcosm the history of India and a personal commitment to the people of his nation, the lives of various Secretaries-General can reveal the story and meaning of the United Nations and their commitment to all peoples as one family."

From: ThreeLite

Citizens for a United Nations Peoples' Assembly
Invites you to a special UN 60th Anniversary program:
"Creating a UN Peoples' Parliamentary Assembly"

Saturday, June 4th, 10:00AM - 4:30 PM, at the Palace Hotel
2 New Montgomery Street (at Market Street), San Francisco

For more information:

Citizens for a United Nations Peoples' Assembly
Invites you to a special UN 60th Anniversary program:
"Creating a UN Peoples' Parliamentary Assembly"
Saturday, June 4th, 10:00AM ­ 4:30 PM, at the Palace Hotel
2 New Montgomery Street (at Market Street), San Francisco

Please join us for a program designed to advance the establishment of a Peoples' Parliamentary Assembly within the United Nations. A High Tea Reception, Panel Discussion and Press Event will be held. The event highlights many years' work toward representation of the voices of the people where decisions are being made affecting their destiny. The event is held in conjunction with the UN 60th Anniversary celebrations and UN World Environment Day.

Our distinguished panel features global citizens at the forefront of the Peoples' Parliamentary Assembly movement, presenting their perspectives for manifesting this democratic body within the UN system. Chairing our program will be Dr. Robert Muller, former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN. Canadian Senator Douglas Roche will be the featured speaker. Our panel includes Joseph E. Schwartzberg, Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota; Andrew Strauss, Professor of International Law at Widener University School of Law; and Susan Zipp, Co-Chair of the Global Peoples Assembly. Douglas Mattern, President of the Association of World Citizens, will serve as moderator.

This special event will build upon the proposal from Switzerland's Members of Parliament and National Council, to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, calling for the establishment of a Parliamentary Assembly at the UN. The press event will include presentation of an Open Letter to be forwarded to Secretary-General Annan requesting that he convene a High-Level Panel to explore the possibility of establishing a Peoples' Parliamentary Assembly within the UN. Please join us on Saturday, June 4th. Tickets are $35. (Box Lunch is available for $15 if ordered by May 30.) To purchase tickets or for more information please contact Citizens for a United Nations Peoples' Assembly, 415-896-2242, 55 New Montgomery St., Suite 224, San Francisco, CA 94105, by e-mail at:


Replies to Robert's recent Good Morning World messages:

Dear Robert and Barbara,

It is Earth Day today... and I determined that to honor the occasion, I would read through the Robert Muller file I've had in my filing cabinet for the past 26 years.

What a genuinely GREAT idea that was!

Among other documents, I found several letters written to you, Robert, that were never sent. I don't know why. I apparently wasn't happy with my choice of words and then got swept into the rush of life again. Those years‹1978 to the mid-80s‹were very busy years for me.... and truthfully, I was overwhelmed that you, Robert, as busy a man as you've been all of your life, would take the time to write to me at all.

I remain overwhelmed and want you to know that I treasure every stroke of the pen you layed on every sheet of paper in my file. Gold.

I pray that you both are well and continuing your good work. It would be wonderful to have an update... as we've been out of contact since the late 90s.

Oh, I want you to know that I've written Dennis Kucinich, Congressman who bid for the Democratic party's presidential nomination this past year. You may be aware of his good work. He is working now on a Bill that will create a U.S. Department of peace. I introduced him to you, provided both of your addresses in Costa Rica and California and encouraged him to make contact (if he has not already done so. A snip from his website:
Thursday, April 14 11:30 a.m.
Dennis Kucinich

Creating a Culture of Peace

This September, legislation will be introduced to create a cabinet-level Department of Peace.

I continue to publish the Dream Network/15 years now. We have just recently redesigned our website. I hope you'll pay a visit soon. If you choose to do so, pay particular attention to the Visionary Dreams/bottom page.

YOU, Dr. Muller, are my Earth Day Celebration. Barbara, I hope we shall someday meet as well. In fact, as soon as I bid you Adios, I'm going to see if I can find your website. I found a letter from Renee M. Cooper in my RM file, written in April, 1995. The last paragraph reads:

"Also, Barbara Gaughen, president and owner of Gaughen Public Relations, will be calling you in a few days. Ironically, she was just meeting with several department heads of the United Nations and discovered that some of them are very into dream analysis and that Robert Muller, a former UN dignitary and chancellor of the University of peace, is currently writing a book on dreams."


A deep pleasure talking with you. I am grateful!

For Dreams,

Roberta Ossana
"Evolving a Dream Cherishing Culture" Since 1982
DREAM NETWORK, A Journal Exploring Dreams & Mythology
H. Roberta Ossana, Publisher/Editor
"Nothing happens unless first a Dream." Carl Sandburg


Recent Guest Book Entries:

From: Junowil in the Philippines

This site rules!!!!, its like everything i plan to do in the future, you have done. Im just starting my AFF course, and was looking for a site that explained it from the students point of view, and i must say your site was right on the money. Great life your living keep enjoying it.


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