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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


[GMW #759] World Culture of Peace - Peace Parks, Peace Cities, Peace Makers Street Names

The image:

[GMW #759] World Culture of Peace - Peace Parks, Peace Cities, Peace Makers Street Names
Wednesday 24 Aug 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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Ending War

~ Idea 2908 ~

It is wonderful that so many peace parks are being established around the world, many of them by rich people who buy land to preserve it because they have a sense of guilt for having destroyed so much of it during their lives. I call it gaiaphily, the love of Gaya, name of the Earth in the Greek language.

he notion of peace should be extended to many other fields.

For example, I call my office at the University for Peace a peace office. The little city of Ciudad Colon wants to be declared a city of peace. More cities should follow this example around the world. There should also be peace roads. The road from Ciudad Colon through a beautiful nature, up the hill to the University for Peace is called a peace road.

Why not give names of peacemakers to streets and avenues and not of warmakers. There is so much that can be done to establish peace once and for all on this planet. The more the word peace will be used everywhere the less there will be violence because people and nations will feel ashamed.

It is a question of making certain words the predominant, shining values of society. This is part of culture.

We need a culture for peace, a civilization of peace, making this planet the foremost planet of peace in the universe. I am so glad that the UN and UNESCO have inaugurated the birth in the year 2000 of a decade of World Culture of Peace.

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Earth's Ecology, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The most fundamental form or writing is the journal, a means to observe the functioning of your being, of your heart, of your mind and of your senses in relation to the surrounding world, the heavens and the Earth, the living and the dead, the past, the present and the future. The journal is the key, the great secret, the real joy of writing and of loving.
Do not lose hope, when you begin to write. When I read the beginning of my journal, many years ago, I feel like throwing it into the wastebasket. It seems so terribly bad! But it was my life which was concerned. With time and patience, I added beauty, corrected and improved the first days of my journal which are today one of my treasures.

There is no born writer. Shakespeare was once a child who could not write. Do not be afraid of your ‘bad style’ Continue and with time you will improve it through craftsmanship like any artist or artisan. Do not see the bad product of today but the beauty of tomorrow’s.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

A life is worthwhile only through the joys and happiness we give to others.

Re: [GMW #758] Peace Is The Means To Peace

namaste matter what happens in the world I shall always support you in your belief of the UN.....and I KNOW that no matter what happens in the world, I will always believe in peace and love as the ONLY answer....most of all you taught me happiness......silver eagle

God spilled the paint!

The east side of the Carrizo plain, in the Temblor Range, about
50 miles due west of Bakersfield, California.

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