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Robert Muller 's Good Morning World

Today's Idea Dream For A Better World From Robert & Barbara Muller

Monday, November 28, 2005


[GMW #827] Retired Generals & Admirals For Peace & Other Miracles

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[GMW #827] Retired Generals & Admirals For Peace & Other Miracles
Monday 28 November 2005, Editor: Easy | | Contact | Subscribe | Unsubscribe |
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~ Idea 4200 ~

Mrs. Eirween Harbottle, the widow of General Harbottle who created the International Association of Retired Generals and Admirals for Peace wrote me a letter informing me of several of her activities but complained of her perennial problem: the lack of funds. In my answer to her I had this remark:

"It is natural that people and movements like ours have little money. If we had we would be on the other side of the fence. It has been like that throughout history.

When I see that my self-published nine volumes of 4000 ideas sell poorly, I smile with happiness, because it gives God and the saints an opportunity to do a miracle.

The miracle is that they are a goldmine of ideas and excerpts on innumerable world subjects. They are tantamount to hundreds of books.

Please start also a thousand ideas and dreams for world peace, including those you remember from your dear husband Michael. His soul will come during the night and relight them in your mind and heart. Ask him to do it.

Saints can be active only when solicited, prayed for."

Daily Idea Dream Topics: Peace, Idea Dreams 6001-6500, Ending War,
Planet Of Hope, Religion & Spirituality

Robert's Golden Sayings
The world always needs and produces fighters for the ‘underdog’ I was born a fighter for the planet, for humanity and for the individual underdogs of nations. The power of nations is totally out of proportion with the natural hierarchy of values of a planet.

My Testament to the UN
-A Contribution to the 50th Anniversary of the United Nations, 1995, Chapter 6

Many people look for hope and inspiration from the United Nations. However peace starts in your heart and mind, not in a meeting of the United Nations.


Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
by Dr. Robert Muller

Please rate this book on Amazon. (Paperback - 2005 - $12.95)
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To order from Amazon: Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness
In praise of Most of All, They Taught Me Happiness: "When people ask who made a difference in your life, besides my family and Jerry, I always answer Robert Muller, since 1984 when I first heard him speak with his global perspective and joy. Most of All They Taught Me Happiness will show you how being happy may even be a life saver."
- Dr. Diane Cirincione, Co-Author, Change Your Mind Change Your Life.

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